torsdag 29 december 2016

Alphabet’s Google is searching for its next hit

Meanwhile, the way that people navigate their way around the internet is also changing, which could eventually pose a threat to Google’s search-advertising business. There are two big impending shifts. One is the use of voice as a way to get information, and the other is the rise of virtual assistants. Already, around a fifth of searches on Android devices are done by voice (as opposed to text), and that share will grow as speech recognition improves.
Voice will also become more important with the spread of stand-alone devices that answer questions, such as Amazon’s Echo and Google’s own new product, Google Home, which do not support advertising.
In future, “searches” will be more focused on completing tasks and fetching information in environments where it will feel dissonant for ads to appear, such as in messaging apps or on smart-home devices. “As Google shifts more away from being a search engine to an answer service, its utility will go up. But the business model will fall apart,” argues Ben Thompson, who writes Stratechery, a blog on technology.


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