torsdag 14 januari 2016

Al Jazeera's distributed content unit generated 2.2 billion Facebook video views in 2015

Al Jazeera’s 15-month-old digital-only offshoot, AJ+, has made a big bet on distributed content, trading a website for an editorial strategy centered on building audiences directly on Facebook and other platforms. Its output, focused on social issues, is created with mobile viewing in mind — which is to say, short, sharable and made so that it can be viewed with the sound off.
AJ+’s 70-person content team produces around 50 videos a week, most of which are about a minute long
Distributed content strategies have become the latest flavor of the month for publishers, which are looking to boost their reach by teaming up with and creating content directly for platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. The likes of BuzzFeed, Business Insider, Quartz and Fusion have all made it core to their growth strategies.

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