onsdag 18 maj 2016

The LaCroix guide to tapping 'micro-influencers'

LaCroix’s ascent in recent years lies as much in its unconventional marketing strategy as it does in its neon-colored packaging and the changing beverage landscape, say experts. Unlike its competitors like Nestlé’s Perrier and Pepsi’s Aquafina, LaCroix has bypassed TV advertising and relied on participatory social media campaigns instead, playing into the millennial desire for “authenticity and discovery.”
“The product’s neon-colored packaging gives it that instant pop,” said Toni Box, director of social media and content at PM Digital. “It’s not surprising that people love to pose with it on highly visual social platforms like Instagram.”
“Instead of going after influencers with followers in the thousands, they’re actively sharing content on their feed from Instagram users with as low as 150 followers,” she said. “It gives them a more authentic and community-based feel.”


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