tisdag 1 september 2015

Device Detection with WURFL.js

WURFL.js is a JavaScript file that provides information about the device that is accesing your page. Whether it is a desktop browser, a tablet, a mobile phone, a smart TV, game console or someone with his wristwatch.
Those familiar with WURFL will recognize the venerable Server-Side Device Detection solution, but, at the same time, they will be pleased to discover that there is no need to mess with PHP, Java or .NET code this time. All you need to do is adding the following script to your page
<script type="text/javascript" src="//wurfl.io/wurfl.js"></script> 

If you monetize your site or blog though advertising, you may be relying on multiple ad networks. Some networks are better at targeting mobile traffic, while others do a better job with regular desktop web traffic. WURFL.js helps you decide which one is better for each user.



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