måndag 8 augusti 2016

HR 2.0 is the poster child for the next wave of SaaS innovation

The path for SaaS domination of a market segment has historically followed one of two routes: bringing previously offline workflows online, or moving on-premise software processes online.
In short, SaaS would take over segments that previously were not SaaSified.
We believe HR SaaS is one of the first clear cases of a third, newer path of broad SaaS innovation — next-generation SaaS (SaaS 2.0) disrupting established previous generations of SaaS (SaaS 1.0).
At Next World, we actively track 80+ HR SaaS players within our HR Innovators’ NextScape. This NextScape is not exhaustive, but rather focuses exclusively on players that are driving the HR 2.0 wave.


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