fredag 13 november 2015

How Revolve Became the Biggest, Trendiest, Most Profitable E-commerce Startup You've Never Heard Of

Revolve is a Los Angeles clothing company on track to sell $400 million worth of dresses, hats, and other trendy young women’s apparel this year.
Revolve doesn’t have a celebrity attached to its operations, like ShoeDazzle had with co-founder Kim Kardashian, or The Honest Company with Alba.  

Online search. It was easy to see what people were searching for on the Internet—and more importantly, when those people weren’t finding what they wanted.
They sold new and emerging designers. “It was networking and hustling for access for many years,” Mente says. But it worked. By 2007, Revolve carried more than 1,000 brands.
As Revolve grew, the Mikes learned the importance of staying ahead of trends. “Riding a trend all the way down,” as Mente calls it, works in the short term, but can damage the brand over time. Take the dreaded Juicy Couture velour tracksuit. No single article of clothing could better symbolize the style of the mid-2000s. At the time, Revolve was selling a lot of them. But it eventually became clear that the orders were no longer coming from Revolve’s core customer. “It was the late adopters, the latest adopters, and not the people who are going to keep coming back to us and be our long-term customers,” he says.
Now, when a trend hits, Revolve abandons it the minute it goes mass market.
“If you ride a trend too far, it’s hard to get the customer back"

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