måndag 7 december 2015

Tourism Australia Uses Food to Drive Luxury Travel Spending

Tourism Australia’s “There’s Nothing Like Australia” marketing campaign positions the entire country as a luxury destination by emphasizing different aspects of sophisticated local culture, such as upscale dining experiences. The culinary component of the strategy officially kicked off in May 2014 with the worldwide “Restaurant Australia” campaign, at which time Australia was not perceived worldwide as a foodie destination.
Building on the success of the Restaurant Australia campaign, Tourism Australia is keeping with the culinary theme, but pivoting the focus slightly, with the launch next month of the $30 million Aquatic & Coastal Australia marketing campaign.
This week at Dreamtime Australia, the country’s primary travel trade conference, Tourism Australia is heavily promoting the new BBC special focusing on the impact of climate change on the Great Barrier Reef. It’s scheduled to run over the Christmas holidays, and the tourism bureau is using that as a sort of thematic launch pad for the Aquatic & Coastal messaging.


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