fredag 25 november 2016

How to Invest in the Credit Card Boom

Before the end of 2016, perhaps while loading their minivans and Malibus with Christmas presents, Americans are expected to blow past a major milestone. For the first time since the financial crisis, they’ll be carrying more than $1 trillion in credit card debt.
Since the Great Recession, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover have become increasingly efficient profit machines. In 2016 they’re on track to post $20 billion in earnings on $70 billion in revenue, according to S&P Global.
And while many Silicon Valley seers thought mobile-payment platforms like PayPal PYPL  and Apple Pay would threaten the card oligopoly, the old guard has largely co-opted the upstarts, making their own services compatible with the new generation of apps. Fintech “used to be seen as the great threat,” says Jim Sinegal, equity analyst at Morningstar, but for now digital innovators are “just incorporating the existing ecosystem.”

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