onsdag 23 november 2016

Social media ‘influencers’: A marketing experiment grows into a mini-economy

What was an experimental marketing practice only a short time ago has morphed into a mini-economy with dizzying financial stakes. The social-media analytics firm Captiv8 estimates that big brands are spending a collective $255 million per month for sponsored posts on Instagram alone. Captiv8 says Instagram influencers who have more than 7 million followers command an average rate of more than $150,000 per sponsored post.
Influencers go to greater and greater lengths to make sure their feeds feature only the most polished aspirational imagery. For Middledorf, that means studying Pinterest for fresh posing ideas. She has honed tricks such as walking backward, a tactic she swears actually appears as a more natural walk in photos. And she scouts locations ahead of time to make sure the scenery is a fitting background for a certain outfit.


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