onsdag 11 januari 2017

Prime clicking time

May 29th 2003

Search firms pioneered the new form of advertising, variously known as “search-related” or “pay-per-performance”.  
Overture invented the concept, which was initially derided as another bizarre dotcom business model that would never take off. But the firm, which went public in June 1999 as GoTo.com, made it work by syndicating its ads to popular websites, such as Yahoo! and MSN, and sharing the revenues. It is now a fast-growing, profitable internet start-up. Last month, it reported first-quarter revenues of $225m—up by 57% from the same period last year.

In a way, says Hal Varian, an economist at the University of California at Berkeley, who helped Google to set up its advertising auctions, marketing is at the same turning-point as financial services were 30 years ago: at last, the data is available to put all the fancy theories into practice. Long live the internet advertising dream.

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