onsdag 26 augusti 2015

Brands are using social media more than ever, and users are ignoring them more than ever

Despite increasing their volume of posting on just about every social media platform, the percentage of posts that garnered interactions with users fell.
The rates at which users interact with branded social media posts has always been low, but Forrester’s 2014 study and this year’s, they’re looking even worse. Last year, Instagram posts from brands created interactions with 4.2% of a brand’s followers. This year, that fell to 2.2%. On Pinterest, interactions fell from 0.1% to 0.04%.
In order words, brands are doing more work and getting less attention for it. (On Facebook, interaction rates increased from 0.07% to 0.2%.)
A slight drop is to be expected to some degree – early adopters will always get the most attention, and over time, users will become desensitized to ads. That’s why savvy brands have rushed to adopt emerging platforms like Vine, Kik and Snapchat, even though their advertising products are relatively young and unproven. It pays to be first, even if it’s just experimental.

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