torsdag 23 juli 2015

Adblock Plus Talks Content-Blocking And The Tricky Shift To Mobile

Adblock Plus has built a business out of helping web users avoid overly annoying ads and other unwanted digital content on the desktop by taking money from companies willing to conform to its “acceptable ads” manifesto in order to be whitelisted and have their marketing let through the gate.
Google is among Adblock Plus’ paying customers.
It does not maintain blocking/filter lists itself — relying on third party, independent filter lists (e.g. EasyList and EasyPrivacy), and allowing users to choose which lists they want to use (or make their own) — depending on the types of content they want to block.
The rate of Adblock Plus usage in countries such as the U.S. and U.K. remains low — around 4 per cent, according to Williams.
The rise of adblocking has also, most recently, been driving the creation of anti-adblocking startups, such as PageFair and Sourcepoint, which aim to detect/track use of adblocking, and then serve users with messages encouraging them not to use adblocking. (Williams dubs these counter tech startups “competing solutions”.) There’s also advertising encryption startups like Secret Media, using more tech to smuggle ad content past ad blockers.

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