tisdag 28 juli 2015

Apple’s Slice (of the Advertising) Pie

As it stands, advertising represents a tiny fraction of Apple’s business with iAd generating $487m last year; just 0.3 per cent of Apple’s 2014 revenue. By comparison Google and Facebook generated $59.6bn and $11.5bn respectively.
Apple is clearly trying to do better out of advertising and many thought the decision to sell programmatically would be iAd’s saving grace.
The move to programmatic was followed by announcements about iOS 9’s ad blocking features. This move could effectively choke ad revenues for both publishers and advertisers as it limits their ability to advertise in-browser. It’s easy to imagine that in Apple’s dream scenario, all its users will choose to receive their daily updates via Apple News and advertisers will choose to advertise here accordingly.
With its multitude of iPhone and iPad carrying loyalists, Apple has a real chance to shake up the advertising industry. However, there are some limitations, iAd only works on iOS devices and in iTunes, not everyone owns an iPhone and Android continues to be the fastest growing operating system. Therefore the extent to which the on-going developments of Apple, Google, and Facebook alter the advertising playing field remains to be seen.

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