tisdag 21 juli 2015

This week in the emerging Age of Touchlessness

Miami-based AdMobilize launched this week its newest AdBeacon device and accompanying software. The AdBeacon sits on a wall or on the counter of a store, or it can be mounted on top of a digital billboard.
It watches people going by and, through facial detection, can count passersby or detect what they’re looking at, as well as their age, gender, emotion, or, less accurately, their ethnicity. Stores and marketers use it to gauge store traffic, the effectiveness of paper or digital signage, the demographics of in-store customers, and the like.
It joins a growing category of companies — including RetailNext, Quividi, Apical, and Pecabu — that want to become Google Analytics for the real world. In fact, AdMobilize has already trademarked the term “pay-per-face.”

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