onsdag 16 mars 2016

Inside the $100 million ad blitz for a $1,100-a-pill drug for hepatitis C

A $100 million ad blitz has whipped up patient demand for Harvoni, the $1,100-a-pill hepatitis C treatment, even as the drug's price has drawn a barrage of lawsuits, state investigations, and sharp condemnation from members of Congress.
Harvoni, made by Gilead Sciences of Foster City, California.

Just a handful of prescription drugs were advertised more widely, and most of those treat conditions — such as erectile dysfunction and psoriasis — that afflict far more patients in the United States than hepatitis C. About 3.5 million Americans have the viral infection, which usually lies dormant for years but can eventually cause liver failure and liver cancer.
Before discounts, a full course of Harvoni is priced at $94,500.
Amid all this negative publicity, U.S. sales of Harvoni slowed down in the fourth quarter of last year — but the drug remains a blockbuster. It's generated $12 billion in U.S. sales since its approval in late 2014.

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